Feb 12·edited Feb 12Liked by Venkatesh Rao

Working on a special runtime (protocol?) that seems to be a step in this direction: https://slalomlang.substack.com/p/slalom-designing-a-runtime-for-ai

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I've really got to carve out time for this one :)

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Fascinating stuff. I'm attempting to massage clips of this essay from nerd-techie-speak into the everybody-talk Rao uses in his bricks and mortar vs. reinforced concrete analogy.

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Wow, this couldn't have come at a better time for me! Lately I've been making a similar argument about the current approaches to agents using that Coordination Headwinds / Slime Molds (https://komoroske.com/slime-mold/) presentation you shared a few years ago.

The other thing that's been on my mind is that we've seen these formal <-> informal swings in software engineering a few times with the informal side kind of discovering forwards and then once some stable patterns are found, formalisms put around them: roughly smalltalk/lisp -> C++/Java -> javascript/python/ruby -> typescript/rust

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